Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Cake's Showroom of Compassion

In listening to Cake's new album, Showroom of Compassion I believe I've discovered the two secrets to their continuing success. One, the band has a very dark sense of humor that's subtle but clever and two, the band can find a groove in a haystack and milk it for all it's worth. They've applied these two concepts to each and every album they've recorded and have made a career of it.

Showroom of Compassion is no different. With the quirk factor turned up to ten and the catchiness of each and every song a top priority the record plays out like a series of rhythmically addictive tunes that slyly laugh their way to the bank. With organs grooving, horns blaring, bass lines driving, and guitars lighting the way, Showroom of Compassion tears its way through itself constantly looking for a fresh groove to carry it to the end. Cake have really created a monster here that so easily alternates between being clever and being a pop devouring machine it is scary. This is a super catchy record whose hooks are so blatantly obvious they don't have to work to reel you in. From the guitar work on, "Sick of You," to the repetition of "Federal Funding," each song on Showroom of Compassion shows no compassion with dominating your mind.

This is a fantastic record because its laugh out loud funny and so easy to latch on to your mind can't resist. There's a reason why Cake have managed to last two decades and you can hear it on each tune here. These guys have an amazing grasp of how to successfully write a pop song and they seem to do it utilizing so few tricks that it's truly amazing. All killer and no filler, Showroom of Compassion is a monster of a record.

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