Friday, December 2, 2011

Future of Forestry Travel

Future of Forestry's newest EP, Travel III is a six song travelogue of epic pop songs that are so large they need a continent to spread out in. With massive sweeping instrumentation and more strings than a symphony, Future of Forestry lap on the lush orchestrated pop in a Liberace like style. As garish as that might sound, Travel IIIis an opulent gorgeous record that shares traits of Coldplay and Elbow as well as brush strokes of Radiohead and Thom Yorke at their best. It's a great record and really about the worst thing you can say about it, is that it's entirely too short. At six songs, the band seem to be warming up when it all comes to a crashing hault with the teasing, "Your Day's Not Over."

Future of Forestry have really outdone themselves, and maybe that's why this record is so short because they've exhausted themselves by coming up with something so texturally fascinating and so widescreen that they couldn't take it any further. In any case, from the Kid A-like electronics of "Horizon Rainfall," and "Your Days No Over," to the all encompassing and sumptuous pop of "Bold and Underlined," Future of Forestry have clearly tapped into their inner massive rock god. Clearly, the stars have aligned, they're on the right page and they are able to right massive bombastic outbursts of flamboyant and impressive pop music as if it were second nature. Travel IIIis an amazing EP and is so gargantuanly good that you should probably drop whatever you're doing and travel to the nearest record store and pick this up. I'm not sure if there will be a Travel IV but if there is, I hope it's 20 songs long and they have a mental breakdown writing it. We need more songs like these in our lives and after spending some time with Future of Forestry I'm pretty sure you'll agree. Epic pop doesn't get much better than this and if Travel III is the Future of Forestry that call me a tree hugger (well more so than I already am).

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