Friday, November 25, 2011

The Wu-Tang Returns

Since their debut album, 1993's Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers), Wu-Tang has become synonymous with gritty, directy lyrics that draw from everything classic. What more can be said about a group that is literally the stuff of legend? A group so famous that they launched an empire that included music, movies, and clothing. Trend-setters for over 15 years, Wu-Tang are pretty much the very definition of what hip hop was all about in the 90's and to some degree that's still true today. That being said, it should really come as no surprise that no matter how far they've been setback over the years they still manage to carry on and that's exactly what they've done on their tenth studio album, Return of the Wu & Friends.

Let it be said that the Wu are far from not being on top of the game. This is a group that's always been so on it and so together in every aspect of their career that they know how stay relevant as much as they know how to breathe. Packing Return of the Wu & Friends to the rafters with just about every member of the Clan and loaded with gritty raw rhymes that fall like Niagara and you have on heck of a hip hop record from a band that remains as cutting edge as ever. While this is not Enter by any stretch of the imagination, Return of the Wu & Friendsis far from being a let down. This is a group and an album that's still rough, still tough, and still ready to kick some serious butt whether it's behind the mic, behind the decks or behind closed doors.

Featuring exclusive tracks, diamonds in the rough, and even a few old time favorites, Return of the Wu & Friends is brutal, dark stuff that kills. This is an album that skillfully shows off the talents of every member of the Clan and allows producer Mathematics' ability to match beats to vocals like he were the greatest editor ever. Yeah, this isn't Enter but it's still the Wu, and we all know that stands for stuff that's better than most. Return of the Wu & Friends doesn't disappoint and in listening to this album it's so easy to see where and how indie hop took a right and mainstream hip hop went the other direction. That right turn has lead to some incredible works by a handful of artists that now seem like they've come back to influence the Wu. It's cyclic love that rocks the house.

After spending some time with Return of the Wu & Friends, it's easy to say that the Wu is back and that this is a very good thing.

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