Sunday, November 13, 2011

More Ear Pwr!

Armed with only a suitcase of synths and a megaphone, Ear Pwr have been bringing their kinetic music to underground spaces all over America since their inception. With the release of Super Animal Brothers III, they now have their eyes set on the world!

Super Animal Brothers IIIis the sound of a party that's gotten out of control. It's an album that's so hyper and spastic that it can't stand still for more than a second and wants to do nothing more than jump around repeatedly. Ear Pwr have created a record that sounds as if it was created by a bunch of 12 year old kids on a lot of of caffeine and by a lot I mean like 30 or 40 Red Bulls shotgunned. This is a a band with so much energy rumor has it thier hometown of Baltimore relies on them for supplemental power.

If you can imagine the tweeist pop band on the planet, meeting Scottish DIY-ers Bis, and then hanging out at a Roland synthesizer manufacturing plant you can kind of imagine what Ear Pwr's Super Animal Brothers III sounds like. This is a record that's cute, cuddly, hyper, inane, and ridiculously sugary sweet. This is a record you take home to your mom and then do ravercize with on your Reebok Step to show her how cool you and your new best friends are.

It's nuts how this band keeps up the pace that they do, but they manage somehow and do so convincingly well. In fact, you can't help but get swept up by the sheer briskness and enthusiasm each of the songs on the record have. This isn't a record that wastes time muddling around with ballads or moody introspection; oh no, Ear Pwr are to busy sending out dance floor bombs that come at you faster than Speedy Gonzalez and come one after another. It's animated stuff to say the least and it's awesome.

From "Beam of Light," to the midi overload of "Discover Your Colors," Super Animal Brothers III is an adrenaline rush of pop that's mind numbingly and adorably spry. Ear Pwr have harnassed the power of the fission and created a sixteen song synth pop rollercoaster ride that's one of the coolest things you will ever hear. Seriously.

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