Sunday, November 13, 2011

Larry Jon Wilson Isn't Happy.

In a day and age when the economy is in bad shape and people are struggling to survive, an artist like Larry Jon Wilson is a difficult proposition. You see, Mr. Wilson isn't exactly the most chipper individual in the world and his self titled album will have you reaching for a bottle of whiskey and a psychiatrist.

Larry Jon Wilson was recorded with absolutely no frills; it's just a man and his guitar weaving tales of woe and sadness. It's a record that will weigh so much on your mind that it is almost too much to bear. For me it was, I had to walk away from this recording for fear of being terminally depressed. With songs entitled, "Losers Trilogy," "Me With No You," and "Throw My Hands Up," it's easy to see why; this record is not the feel good hit of the year.

If you have a strong tolerance for songs that are slow, quiet, and despondent than you'll love this record. For everyone else, I'm afraid you won't be able to handle it, at least until the economy improves. Trust me.

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