Friday, November 11, 2011

Black Moth Super Rainbow Is Eating Us

The modern musical group known as Black Moth Super Rainbow first emerged from an obscure Pennsylvania forest glen in 2003 to relay a somewhat confounding sound with Falling Through A Field. Over the next few years though, that peculiar sound developed into something bigger and the cult of BMSR began. With the release of their deliciously delightful Dandelion Gunin 2007 a number of curious listeners adjusted their listening habits to incorporate Black Moth Super Rainbow's strange twisted pop into their lives. Two years later in 2009 the cult of BMSR has continued to grow and Black Moth Super Rainbow has once again emerged from the forests and cities to release yet another opus of twisted psychedelic space pop as a gift to the tripped out masses.

Dubbed, Eating Us, their latest record is like a series of hazy and bizarre lucid dreams that analysts would have problems deciphering. Strange and neurotic but yet beautiful, fragile, and exquisite Eating Usutilizes analog, digital, and just about every other form of equipment you can think of to create an air of blissed out elation. What's truly amazing about that is this record is that it marks the first time that BMSR has ever stepped into a modern recording studio and followed the process. That being said, it's amazing to think that this band could come up with such brilliant atmospherics having never had the chance to make a record like this prior to now.

Sounding something like C3-PO fronting Ladytron and then recording with an all-star line up of shoegazers as a backing band, BMSR clearly have their head in the clouds or troposphere as the case may be. Eating Usis the sound of Wall-E gaining a sense of self and personality as well as emotion and coming back to Earth to save the planet. This is a tripped out exploration of time and space that just happens to be made by humans who know how to write a pretty decent pop song using vocoders, guitars, banjos, distortion pedals, electronics, and the power of magic to harness it all.

Eating Us is a fantastic journey that will leave you breathless, in awe, and questioning your place in the universe. Black Moth Super Rainbow have one of the strangest names in music and they have the sounds to go along with it. Eating Us is a dense layered, epic record that's lost somewhere in the Andromeda system; it's beautiful and complex and is one of the most entertaining and quizzical records I've heard in a very long time.

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