Friday, November 11, 2011

Tiny Masters Of Today Have No Skeletons In Their Closet

What would have happened if Hanson were actually any good? Would they have faded quickly into the cut out bins of the world or would they still be making radio friendly fodder like they did back in the 90's? Who knows, but that's what happens when you put kids in bands. There are exceptions to this rule such as the Jackson 5 and Brooklyn New York's, Tiny Masters of Today.

For a group made up of one twelve year old and one fifteen year old, the fact that they've taken the ever fickle indie scene by storm seems almost impossible. But they have and on their second album, Skeletons,the band cements their place in the scene with a super heated blast of indie pop/garage rock mayhem. You might think this album would be horrible and be really, really bad (anyone remember Hanson's second album???), but it isn't, in fact, it's even better than their debut. Skeletons is chock full of incredibly groovy raw lo-fi like tracks that seem innocent on the outside but are about as grown up as anything around today.

This is a record that woo's you with it's youth and inexperience and then wins you over with it's surprising maturity, strength, and ridiculously indie poptastic songs. Skeletonsis a really fun record that's almost anthemic in nature and when they blow the doors off of Abercrombie and Fitch with "Abercrombie Zombie," you can't help but love how astute these kids are of how their peers are mindless sheep. Rebellious and exciting, Skeletons is everything that rock and roll should be except that it's played by a couple of teens still in public school

Having been taken under the wings of more indie stars than you can count, it should come as no surprise that Tiny Masters of Today are only getting better by the second. Heck they've gotten so good they recorded, produced, and wrote this entire album all alone using nothing for help except GarageBand. Skeletons is a coming of age tale for the Tiny Masters; they're learning how to be a better band, write better songs, and handle it all in stride. If that's not impressive then I don't know what is. They're doing a great job and this is clearly a young band on the road to greatness. Hanson they are not.

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