Thursday, November 10, 2011

23 Rainy Days' Wonderful Disaster

Creating a sound self-described as post-punk indie dance metal, 23 Rainy days balance the doom and gloom perspective of their goth roots with consummate pop production. They walk a fine line between disaster and being pigeonholed, but thankfully for them their EP, Wonderful Disaster goes a long way in establishing their credentials as being one heck of a band and not just another cliche.

Wonderful Disaster is the sort of record that makes its presence known from the second it starts. The massive hooks and melodies that populate the songs here will grow on you faster than a Petri dish of penicillin. The tunes are so well written and structured that your brain can't do anything else but remember them and trust me when I tell you, that's not a bad thing. While 23 Rainy Days have written a very commercial sounding EP, that at times almost gets a bit emo, it's songs never suffer from the fact that this record has been scientifically analyzed and genetically typed for maximum musical impact.

As if to make that point, the production here is unbelievable and it's almost hard to believe that this is an unsigned band! In actuality the massive amounts of gloss put on Wonderful Disaster makes this is an absolutely huge record that sounds like it was recorded by someone like Bob Rock on a multi-million dollar budget not a band scraping by. Wonderful Disaster as a result is a shining example of how technology can be used while not damaging the purity of the art.

Each of the six songs on Wonderful Disaster are ready to go as singles. Their hooks will reel you in and attach themselves to you like an unwanted parasite; they're catchy, filled with riffs that linger for days, and just feel like hits. From the nearly New Orderish, "Monster," to the potential platinum seller, "Once A Hero," 23 Rainy Days have out done themselves here. Wonderful Disaster is a brilliant slab of commerically viable indie, emo, goth tinged pop that should be spreading like SARS on radios everywhere.

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