Monday, February 1, 2016

Los Crema Paraiso Are A Peculiar Bunch

I have no idea how to best describe the sophomore album by Los Crema Paraiso except to say it's all a bit twisted.  De Pelicula is an energetic ride through everything ever and includes the craziest amalgamation of musical influences converging to make the most solid musical statement ever recorded.  De Pelicula has it all and that's just in the first three songs.  We're talking metal, jazz, Latin, funk whatever, it's all actually on this record.  As the band notes, “our music sounds like a combination of high speed bossa nova with a jazzy modern waltz, and percussive atmospherics with a warmth and sweetness that only a mix of these elements can bring.”  Exactly.

These guys can play, are unafraid to experiment, compose songs as if they were done on the fly and do some amazing covers of Depeche Mode and Tears for Fears!   Their take on, “Personal Jesus,” is one for the ages.  Los Crema Paraiso are an amazing unit of musicians who take their Venezuelan roots mix them with North American and European influences, a few chemistry sets, a couple of odd times changes, perhaps some psychedelics and wind up with songs that are so frenetic and organic that it's hard to believe this is all done by a trio.  De Pelicula is fantastic in every possible way.  It's a record that keeps you guessing and leaves you in awe when they change direction.  There's no way to predict what these guys are going to do next because they come at you from every angle with so many different approaches it's overwhelming. 

De Pelicula is music the way it should be; passionate, energetic, and ridiculously fun.  Los Cerma Paraiso are amazing at what they do and they allow their passions to take root in every song here and as a result the record is an honest work of art.  

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